Academic Programs


Welcome to our revolutionary elementary school, where we're not just preparing children for the future; we're shaping tomorrow's trailblazers and change-makers. Our vision goes beyond textbooks and tests; it's about cultivating lifelong skills and a passion for discovery that will drive success in any career and any era.


At the heart of our approach is a deep respect for children's natural curiosity and creativity. Inspired by the words of Sir Ken Robinson, we believe that every child is born with remarkable talents and “extraordinary capacity for innovation”, and it's our mission to unlock and amplify that potential.

Unlike traditional approaches focused solely on test scores, we prioritize holistic growth. Our curriculum is designed to spark curiosity, encourage experimentation, and embrace failure as a vital part of learning. We create an environment where children feel empowered to question, to make mistakes, and to learn from them, fostering resilience and adaptability from an early age.

We prioritize experiential learning, where children actively engage with concepts through hands-on projects, collaborative activities, and real-world applications. Whether they're designing solutions in our STEM labs, exploring simulations, or engaging in community projects, students are immersed in meaningful real-world experiences that ignite their passion and drive.


In teaching language arts, math, and social studies, we've adopted a dynamic, interactive methodology. Children learn through movement and play, enhancing their engagement and retention. By seamlessly integrating subjects and encouraging real-world application, we empower students to see the interconnectedness of knowledge, fueling their passion for discovery.


Our science curriculum is a highlight of our program and is at the forefront, aligning with the Next Generation Science Standards and emphasizing hands-on exploration. From kindergarten onward, we empower students to arrive at their own conclusions through hands-on activities, experiments, observation, and critical reasoning. Our lessons follow a deliberate sequence, reinforcing previously learned concepts and easily connecting different fields of science. Additionally, we integrate science literature, journaling, art, and frequent field trips into our curriculum, providing our students with a rich and engaging learning experience. Our goal is not just to teach science but to instill a lifelong love for inquiry and discovery.


In our integrative children's literature studies, we go beyond simply reading stories; we delve deep into the rich tapestry of narratives to enhance learning across disciplines. Through carefully selected books that represent children’s literature at its best, we weave themes and concepts that resonate with our curriculum, sparking discussions and critical thinking. Children explore diverse cultures, historical events, scientific phenomena, and social issues through literature, gaining empathy, understanding, and a broader perspective of the world. Our approach integrates language arts, social studies, arts and cultural awareness seamlessly, fostering a love for reading while expanding students' knowledge and fostering a lifelong appreciation for the immense power of storytelling.


Beyond academics, we place a strong emphasis on social-emotional learning and character development. Our students learn empathy, leadership, and resilience through community service projects and collaborative initiatives that foster a culture of kindness and inclusivity.


In essence, our school is not just a place of learning; it's a launchpad for limitless possibilities. We're creating a generation of critical thinkers, problem solvers, and compassionate leaders who will shape a brighter, more innovative future for us all.

Curriculum by Grade



Our program incorporates whole language and strong phonics instruction to ensure that students develop a firm reading foundation. We use HMH’s Into Reading curriculum for literature and informational text comprehension. As a supplement, we use Wired for Reading’s Word Wires to build a solid phonics foundation, teaching students to understand how their mouth forms sounds and connect those to letter sounds. Our instructional model includes Daily 5, in which students work independently in five areas: read to themselves, read to someone, word work, work on writing, and listen to reading. Topics include: 

  • Comprehending the setting and main characters in a story 

  • Making predictions 

  • Recalling the beginning, middle, and end 

  • Mastering all letters, sounds, vowel, and consonant blends


As students develop their skills to read and write independently, we introduce the basics of grammar, conventions, and mechanics. Students are introduced to vocabulary through read-aloud and start to recognize basic spelling patterns. Topics include: 

  • Phonetic spelling 

  • Using beginning punctuation and capitalization  

  • Spelling sight words accurately  


Kindergarten students learn to write through three main units: Opinion, Informational, and Narrative Writing, where they develop stories about their lives, share their beliefs, and write “how to” books. Through our Handwriting without Tears program, students also learn letter formation, spacing, punctuation, and proper capitalization. Topics include: 

  • Explaining a picture with a word or sentence  

  • Writing to tell a story, persuade, and inform  

  • Reviewing/rewriting to improve 


The Dimensions Singapore Math curriculum enables students to learn math concepts through meaningful lessons and hands-on tasks. Students are taught concepts to gain a solid foundation in mathematics. We also incorporate the workshop model for differentiated instruction. Topics include:

  • Number sense
  • Geometry
  • Measurement
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Patterns
  • Graphing
  • Money
  • Time and Calendar


We use the Mystery Science curriculum to engage students in exciting hands-on science activities such as making shelters for an animal stuffy, growing plants, and learning to take care of animals. We also use the Engineering is Elementary program from the Boston Museum of Science to practice the engineering design cycle to build ramps, bridges, and “rollercoasters” in the process. Students practice using tools to make measurements and record data. We also incorporate field trips to give students real-world experience with what we have learned in class. Topics include:

  • Weather 

  • Effects of Sunlight  

  • Environmental Impact 

  • Living Things 

  • Forces 

  • Engineering Design Process 


The children learn about the world around them through the Teachers’ Curriculum Institute (TCI) Social Studies Alive! program and incorporate OSPI’s Since Time Immemorial curriculum, designed by 20 local tribes. Hands-on and multi-disciplinary projects, such as our economics Maker’s Market, give students real-world experiences with what we have learned in class. Topics include:

  • Individuals and communities 

  • Local Tribes 

  • Solving Problems 

  • People around the world 

  • Citizenship at school and at home 

  • Needs and wants 

1st grade


Students in 1st grade are accelerated by one year and are assessed using grade 2 ELA standards and instructional materials. Students learn to recognize problem and solution relationships in text, use inference skills to decipher information in context, and interpret information from fiction and nonfiction sources. Strengthen and build reading fluency. They plan, write, and revise personal narrative stories. Students also strengthen their phonetic skills and spelling strategies and practice handwriting skills.

  • Students gain experience of working independently and in peer groups to develop reading and writing skills.
  • Students select reading materials using the IPICK (Independence, Purpose, Interest, Comprehension, Know the Words) rules.
  • Students learn about various genres of reading literature.
  • They also build reading comprehension skills, vocabulary, and a deeper connection to text.
  • The Into Reading curriculum helps with reading comprehension, phonemic awareness, and spelling.
  • The Handwriting Without Tears curriculum guides handwriting practice.
  • Students are supported in whole groups and one-on-one instruction to express their ideas clearly and effectively in writing.
  • Students participate in small group guided reading circles.


Students gain hands-on experience through each TCI (Teachers’ Curriculum Institute) Social Studies Alive! My School and Family unit. They work cooperatively to solve problems and gain a real-world perspective.

  • The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship
  • Life Today and Long Ago 
  • Cultural Literacy: One Nation, Many People 


We use Dimensions Singapore Math for whole-group and small-group instruction. The structure of the approach begins from concrete to pictorial, and lastly abstract; enabling students to deeply understand mathematical concepts. Students frequently work with manipulatives or draw models to deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts and solve complex problems. Students use IXL and math games to practice and strengthen concepts, building fluency, and confidence. Extension work is available for students who are ready for more challenges in each chapter. 

  • Numbers 0 to 10
  • Number Bonds
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Position
  • Numbers to 20
  • Shapes
  • Length
  • Weight
  • Capacity
  • Comparing Numbers
  • Graphs
  • Numbers to 40
  • Multiplication
  • Division
  • Halves and Fourths
  • Time
  • Numbers to 100
  • Money


Students observe plant and animal adaptations. Students experiment with different materials that create light and sound waves. Students learn about the various components of the Earth, Solar System, and other celestial objects.

  • Plants and Animal Superpowers
  • The Spinning Sky
  • Light and Sounds
  • Engineering

2nd grade


Students in 2nd grade are accelerated by one year and are assessed using grade 3 ELA standards and instructional materials. 


Daily 5, CAFÉ strategies, Into Reading curriculum, and Accelerated Reader are used to structure the reading block so every student is independently engaged in meaningful literacy tasks. With guidance, students self-select reading materials at their independent reading level. Whole group, small group, and individualized instruction are used to support them in progressing to the next level.

Spelling, Vocabulary  Development , and  Handwriting 

The linguistic-based Wired for Reading and Word Wires program helps structure our spelling and vocabulary curricula and provides differentiated instruction that allows students to practice, strengthen, and internalize these skills.

The ELA program is designed to help students: 

  • Recognize problem and solution relationships in text 

  • Use inference skills to decipher information in context 

  • Interpret information from fiction and nonfiction sources 

  • Strengthen and build fluency 

  • Plan, write, and revise personal narratives, informational writing, and persuasive writing 

  • Strengthen phonetic skills and spelling strategies  

  • Develop speaking and listening skills 


The program is based on Social Studies Alive: My Community  from TCI 

Unit 1: Geography 

  • What is a community 

  • How are communities different? 

  • How do we use maps? 

  • What is geography? 

Unit 2: Economics 

  • How do people use our environment? 

  • How are goods made and brought to us? 

  • Who provides services in a community? 

  • How can I be a smart consumer? 

Unit 3: History 

  • How can we learn about Native American Cultures? 

  • How do families learn about their past? 

  • How do communities change? 

  • How did one community change? 

Unit 4: Civics 

  • How can one person make a difference? 

  • How do leaders help their communities? 

  • What does a good citizen do?


We use Dimensions Singapore Math for whole-group and small-group instruction. The structure of the approach begins from concrete to pictorial, and lastly abstract; enabling students to deeply understand mathematical concepts. Students frequently work with manipulatives or draw models to deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts and solve complex problems. Students use IXL and math games to practice and strengthen concepts, building fluency, and confidence. Extension work is available for students who are ready for more challenges in each chapter. 

  • Numbers 0 to 10
  • Number Bonds
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Position
  • Numbers to 20
  • Shapes
  • Length
  • Weight
  • Capacity
  • Comparing Numbers
  • Graphs
  • Numbers to 40
  • Multiplication
  • Division
  • Halves and Fourths
  • Time
  • Numbers to 100
  • Money


Scientific understanding is integrated with engineering using the Mystery Science and Engineering is Elementary curriculum. Video lessons are integrated with hands-on kits to make observations, construct explanations, and design solutions. 

  • Hands-on science kits teach physical, life, and earth sciences through inquiry. 
  • Content is enhanced through field trips and journals. 
  • Earth Science: The Work of Water (Mystery Science)
  • A Sticky Situation: Earth Materials Engineering Kit (EiE)
  • Physical Science: Materials Magic (Mystery Science)
  • Life Science: Plant and Animal Adventures (Mystery Science)
  • Thinking Inside the Box: Designing Plant Packages (EiE)
  • Engineering Design Process - Invention Convention

3rd grade


Students in 3rd grade are accelerated by one year and are assessed using grade 4 ELA standards and instructional materials. 

Readers’ Workshop & Into Reading
Daily 5 is used for leveled reading development. Accelerated Reader is used for monitoring the student’s reading level and goals. Into Reading is utilized for whole-group reading and reading strategy lessons.

Cursive Handwriting is introduced through the ‘Handwriting Without Tears’ series.

Read literary and informational texts closely and analytically to comprehend a range of increasingly complex literary and informational texts:

  • Key Details
  • Central Ideas
  • Word Meanings
  • Reasoning & Evidence
  • Analysis Within or Across Texts
  • Text Structures & Features
  • Language Use 

Produce effective writing for a range of purposes and audiences:

  • Write and revise brief/full narrative and informational texts
  • Write and revise one or more paragraph opinion pieces
  • Accurately use language and vocabulary in writing
  • Edit appropriate grammar usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling
  • Learn proper cursive handwriting techniques and write in cursive fluently

Employ effective speaking and listening skills for a range of purposes and audiences:

  • Followed agreed-upon rules for discussion
  • Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions
  • Speak in complete sentences to provide detail or clarification
  • Ask and answer questions about information from a speaker 
  • Create engaging audio recordings of stories or poems
  • Report on a topic or text, tell a story or recount an experience


TCI’s Social Studies Alive!: Our Community and Beyond is used to introduce topics including maps and globes, economic systems, and ideals and principles of the United States. Projects, presentations, and class discussions help students explain and interpret concepts by thinking critically and making connections across units. 

  • Geography of the United States 

  • Native Americans and Their Environments 

  • Making Communities Better 

  • Understanding Our Economy 

  • Providing Public Services 

  • Citizenship and Participation


Dimensions Singapore Math is used for whole-group and small-group instruction. It blends problem-solving and deeper-level mathematical thinking to support the growth and development of concepts.

IXL Math and math sprints are used to reinforce and practice basic facts.

Students are encouraged to solve challenging word problems and to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Manipulatives are used to problem-solve and model thinking.

Group tasks are used to encourage collaborative problem-solving and using of mathematical language.

Math games are used as an enrichment tool.

  • Numbers to 10,000, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Graphs and Tables
  • Multiplying and Dividing with 6,7,8,9, Fractions, Measurement, Geometry, Area and Perimeter, Time, Money


Topics of study include: 

  • Fossils and Changing Environments 

  • Life Cycles 

  • Heredity, Survival, and Selection 

  • Weather and Climate 

  • Forces, Motion, and Magnets 

  • Engineering 

4th grade


Students in 4th grade are accelerated by one year and are assessed using grade 5 ELA standards and instructional materials. 

Reader’s Workshop - Our research- and standards-based curriculum, integrate reading, writing, spelling, and grammar. Students work with the teacher in whole class, one-to-one, and in small flexible groups to strengthen reading fluency as well as to work on understanding story elements and reading for enjoyment across various genres using authentic literature. The program allows for differentiated instruction to support and challenge diverse learners. 

Accelerated Reader
Students are guided in selecting appropriately leveled books for independent reading. After completing a book, students take a short comprehension quiz on the computer and earn points based on the number of correct answers.

Handwriting - Students learn and practice cursive handwriting using the Handwriting Without Tears program.


We use the textbooks Washington: Our Home and TCI: Social Studies Alive! – Regions of Our Country to learn about state history, exploration and settlement, government, industry, and geography.  Additionally, we incorporate OSPI’s Since Time Immemorial curriculum, designed by 20 local tribes, to support the teaching of tribal sovereignty, tribal history, and current tribal issues. 

We look for every opportunity to extend learning outside the textbook. Students participate in a “choose your own adventure” style Lewis and Clark simulation activity to gain a greater understanding of the challenges faced by the Corps of Discovery and consider the perspective of the Native People they met along the way.  

They also conduct an in-depth investigation into First Nations culture. Students move past a surface-level understanding as they explore a self-selected research question touching on history, handicrafts, food, clothing, spiritual beliefs, language, transportation, social roles, and more. Examples from previous years include a project on coastal tribes’ traditional whaling practices and an in-depth look at Lushootseed, a native language of the Puget Sound. 

Topics include: 

  • WA State History throughout the year 

  • Early Pacific Northwest People 

  • Lewis & Clark Simulation 

  • Oregon Trail (includes a multi-disciplinary writing project) 

  • Immigration & Settlement 

  • Washington State Civics 

  • Economics of Our Region (with Junior Achievement) 

  • Current Events 


Students in 4th grade use the Dimensions texts for instruction and homework.  IXL Math and math games are used as supplements to build operational fluency. Extension work is available for students who are ready for more challenging work in each chapter. 

Lessons begin with an open-ended or multiple-solution problem, setting the stage for discussion. Students are encouraged to use flexible thinking, multiple strategies, manipulatives, and pictorial representations to solve the problem and model their thinking.  Group tasks are used to foster collaboration skills and provide opportunities to explain mathematical thinking. 


With our Next Generation Science Standards-based program, Mystery Science, as the foundation of our studies, students participate in the 5E instructional model to construct explanations about scientific phenomena.  

Engage: Start with an interesting, real-world occurrence (phenomena). Make a hypothesis based on background knowledge. 

Explore: Try out the concept through a hands-on activity, concluding the how and why. 

Explain: Direct instruction confirms the inferences drawn in the Explore stage and provides proper terminology and any additional information. 

Elaborate: Students apply knowledge across concepts as they identify how what they have learned fits into an explanation of the phenomena. 

Evaluate: Students evaluate their understanding through a real-world scenario, applying new understanding gained in each of the previous steps. 

Topics of study include: 

  • Energy and Natural Resources 

  • Sound Waves 
  • Changes to the Earth’s Surface 
  • Structures and Functions of Plants and Animals 
  • Information Processing 
  • Engineering 

5th grade


Students in 5th grade are accelerated by one year and are assessed using grade 6 ELA standards and instructional materials. 

The Into Reading curriculum provides students with a wide variety of reading experiences in different genres. Students develop reading skills through assignments and written responses, during classroom discussions, and while working in cooperative learning groups. Can-do Cursive provides students with guided practice in cursive writing. Book projects and presentations give students the chance to practice and develop their communication skills. Scholastic News provides students an opportunity to develop higher-level thinking and analysis skills while learning about global current events. 

Accelerated Reader enables students to test their comprehension using short quizzes based on books they have read independently. Teachers use AR information to assess students’ comprehension and guide them to choose appropriate level books. 

Reading Skills 

  • Reading for comprehension 

  • Compare and contrast texts 

  • Retell/summarize literary and informational texts 

  • Claims and evidence 

  • Point of View 

Language Skills 

  • Grammar 

  • Spelling 

  • Latin/Greek Roots and Affixes 

Writing Skills 

  • Narrative, Opinion, and Informational writing projects 

  • Write to respond to texts 

  • Using the writing process 

Speaking and Listening Skills 

  • Presenting 

  • Collaborative discussions 

  • Listening comprehension and response


The TCi Social Studies Alive!: America’s Past curriculum enables students to read about and analyze historical events.  OSPI’s supplemental Since Time Immemorial curriculum honors local First Nations tribes and teaches students about their contributions both historically and currently. Scholastic and CNN 10 offer additional opportunities to examine current events. 

Additionally, fifth graders are offered the opportunity to extend their learning of American government and history with a culminating week-long trip to our nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., in the spring. Topics of study include: 

  • Contributions of cultural groups in the U.S. 

  • Costs and benefits of decisions made by the Pilgrims 

  • Construct and use maps of the Thirteen Colonies 

  • Physical and cultural characteristics of the Thirteen Colonies 

  • Analyze multiple perspectives of historical events in U.S. History 

  • Economics of British colonies 

  • Key ideas contained in the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and other documents 

  • The rights and responsibilities of citizenship 

  • Biographical research and writing, through the Wax Museum project


Dimensions Singapore Math is used for whole-group and small-group instruction. It blends problem-solving and deeper-level mathematical thinking to support the growth and development of concepts. IXL Math and math sprints are used to reinforce and practice basic facts. Students are encouraged to solve challenging word problems and to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Math games are used as an enrichment tool. Math projects are assigned to promote student engagement and application of concepts learned in class.  

Topics of study: 

  • Unit 1: Whole Numbers 

  • Unit 2: Writing and Evaluating Expressions 

  • Unit 3: Multiplication and Division 

  • Unit 4: Addition and Subtraction of Fractions 

  • Unit 5: Multiplication of Fractions 

  • Unit 6: Division of Fractions 

  • Unit 7: Measurement 

  • Unit 8: Volume of Solid Figures 

  • Unit 9: Decimals 

  • Unit 10: The Four Operations of Decimals 

  • Unit 11: Geometry 

  • Unit 12: Data Analysis and Graphs 

  • Unit 13: Ratio 

  • Unit 14: Rate 

  • Unit 15: Percentage


With our Next Generation Science Standards-based program, Mystery Science, as the foundation of our studies, students participate in the 5E instructional model to construct explanations about scientific phenomena. Additionally, students participate in hands-on investigations, field trips, and projects that complement content.  Our supplemental curriculum is used to design, test, and improve solutions to engineering problems.  Topics include: 

  • Ecosystems and the Food Web 

  • Water Cycle and Earth’s Systems 

  • Stars and The Solar System 

  • Chemical Reactions and Properties of Matter 

  • STEM project: Ecosystems: Cleaning an Oil Spill 

  • STEM project: Aerospace: Designing Parachutes